
Art & Inspiration


When I first began my foray into the world of Bullet Journaling, I did what any sane person would do. I became obsessive about my new hobby and spent hours on Instagram ogling inspiration. This was my first introduction into the world of hand-lettering and brush lettering.  As much as I admired the beautiful work I was seeing – I considered it out of my reach. These must be professionals, they must practice all day, they must spend a fortune on supplies, etc.  But today I’m here to tell you, it’s not true!

Yes, of course, there are the professionals out there and practice does make perfect. But as I timidly began to give it a try, I realized it’s not nearly as hard as it seems. In fact, some of the most beautiful brush lettering is well within the reach of a beginner!

Today I’m going to guide you, step by step, thru some beautiful lettering projects. It’s fun, it’s easy, and you can do it! Let’s get started!